Monday, July 28, 2008

'AZAM' for this semester

tue; 29th july o8, (2:51a.m)

semester ni aku kne kuatkan lg la study aku for get the 'dean list'...

sbb semester lepas2, aku xdpt lgsong....

i just got around 3 pointer and above je...

ape yg m'buat kan aku teruja sgt?...

of course la...mse integrasi for my faculty, which information management...

aku tgk rmi gak la dpt DL...

t'tnye2 gak la dlm kepala 'hotak' aku ni..

knape aku x bleh dpt DL mcm dyorag gak...

tgk result dyorg terpampang kat screen 2..

fuyohh!!!hebat2 belaka...

ade yg dpt 4 flat tros, beb...

dyorg msti struggled gler2 nyer kowt...

whatever la...

yang penting semester ni..

aku msti struggle gak utk dpt kan DL...

bru la b'semangat ckit nk study...

pastu, of course la aku nk smbng belajar...

tp aku ade 2 choices...either nak amik masscomm ke or continue program ni?...

pastu...nk amik master plak...

then, kalo ade rejeki & umur yg pnjg...nk amik phd gak..


aku msti bleh nyer.....

believe ur self!!!!!!!!!!!

gud luck.....


Bells said...

abib darlink..
u can do it.. so am i..
good luck my dear..
wishing u all the best..;)

Nabila Huda Mohammad said...

thanx a lot my frend...
hopefully, our dream will come true..Insya-Allah..