Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a Day of Eid e Qorban....

6 am: waked up and solat subuh...
         helped mom masak rendang, sayur lodeh, samabl sotong and sambal kacang
         setup the table....(put the glass, spoon, folk, plates and so on)
7.30: time to take a shower...huhuh....
8.15: get ready to got to masjid.....(i went with my parents, sisiters and brothers....jalan kaki)
8.30: solat sunat hari raya adha....
9.00: Makan time.....(disunatkan pergi solat dahuli baru makan)
9.30: errghhhhhh....da jap tgk tv!!!
10.40: follow my dad, young brothers and bro in-law pegi tgk orang korban lembu.....
          5 cows are already qorban by pak Imam....hehehe
11.30: go to masjid, which is tempat for 'rewang2' and mengedarkan dging mom and another  neighbours are waiting for daging lembu utk diagihkan....
1.00: finished all work and go home...

After Zuhur

2.30: the family at my dad's side came to home and enjoy the ketupat and rendang.....
         they talked about my cousin's engagement day and otherss.... my sisters are busy in the kitchen, but i just played the internet and watched tv....heheheh
after maghrib
8.30: my sister's boyfriend came with his family..... : it;s time to me busy in the kichen.....(wash the dish and so on)...

these are several pix that i snaped:

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